Hello everyone! We just got out of a grant meeting. For those of you who don't know we get to choose where some of the money goes from our fundraising. This means going over pages and pages of applications and carefully discussing and considering them all for grants...needless to say, I am tired. This will be a frantic post because I also have to get up at 5am for a 94 mile day...I have had no time and no phone service so I apologize to anyone that I have not been returning calls 2..I'll admit that I do like being out of touch. To recap the last few days...we are in the Rockies and they are beautiful. It was an amazing feeling to see them from a distance for the first time and slowly, mile by mile, approach them until being within them. Unfortunately the first day of climbing I got my first flat, which took me an hour to change. Within this hour the winds went from being intensely strong to insanely strong, some of the worst we've seen. I made the decision not to finish the day because not being in control of my bike, with cars on the left and a drop off on the right, was not a comforting feeling. I found out later that two people were blown off their bikes..during a less windy time of day. We got into Glacier Park that night and swam in a nearby river. The next day was our climb up the road to the sun. This was a breathtaking and very high climb, frightening to those of us who are unsettled by heights. Unfortunately about halfway up the mountain it began to pour...you can imagine that a park that goes by the name glacier does not mix well with rain. We were freezing! When I got to the top of the mountain I rushed into the visitor center to warm myself by the fire, only to be yelled at by a park ranger..couldn't they see we were on the verge of hypothermia? I decided to head back down the other side of the mountain but as I approached the decent I realized this was just not possible. At this point you could not see more than an inch in front of you because of the fog. As hard as it was to turn back; fog, mixed with steep switchbacks, traffic, no shoulder, slippery road, construction and possible hypothermia was not an equation that seemed to end with me coming out alive. After a nice couple offered to take our bikes down the mountain we finally caught a bus...and hours later found a warm place to go. We are now in the beautiful Libby Montana, tomorrow we will be in a new state, in ten days we will have rode our bicycles across the entire country...for now I must sleep.
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